Returns and Perks of Civilisation – #5

hello dear friends and happy new year!!!!
some news – or just scroll down to see a few pics!
last time you heard from us was in mid december – nothing extremely exciting happened since then. do not expect any cobra stories! we visited a beautiful place called sanak in the middle of bali – i can recommend it to everyone visiting bali. and –  on the way home we went to bali tree tops – family rope park. kids and dan do that kind of stuff every time they have an opportunity – but i have somehow managed to stay out of it until now. i either don’t go at all, or i am a photographer.. however this time there was no excuse as dan couldn’t do it due to an injury – i simply had to climb up to the tree tops and take all those zip lines and tarzan jumps and who knows what.. quite an exhilarating experience which i’m not sure i want to repeat anytime soon. anyway – if visiting bali, go for it!
Caught in the web

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Prague – Dubai – Prague – Bali – #1

dear friends – leaving behind 3 countries and living in my 4th makes it difficult to keep up with friends and family – so this is to all of you who haven’t heard from me for a while. for those of you who are busy, here is the short version: we left dubai in june, spent some time in my husband’s home town of prague, czech republic and in august have moved to our new destination – bali, indonesia. we are all fine. so far ((-;

Few little bags
Few little bags

for those of you who don’t mind a bit of reading, here you go…

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